Via J.F.Kennedy, 8
06083 Bastia Umbra(PG) Italy
fax +39 075.8011732 075 8012645 Tel 339 8282019 |
Il ns. Alcooltest Fiala CEC1 o CEC è l'unico monouso in commercio senza cromo che garantisce al 100 % l' integrità fisica :
• non invasivo, senza cromo, biodegradabile, preciso al 97%, veloce *60 sec, graduato, smaltimento normale, prova quali-tativa allegabile al verbale, igienico, tascabile, economico.
• certificato in rispetto della Circolare Ministeriale del 29/12/2005 n° 300/A/1/42175/109/42 del Dipartimento Pubblica Sicu-rezza conformemente al Decreto Legislativo 8.9.2000 n°332, relativa alla Direttiva 98 /78/CE in tema di dispositivi medico dia-gnostici in vitro, ovvero, certificazione asseverata dal Consolato Italo/Ceco e trasmessa al Ministero della Salute in base alle verifiche e prove effettuate dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità Ceca in rispetto della vigente direttiva CE .
• testato e sperimentato positivamente dal Ministero dell' Interno Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza ed utilizzato dai Compartimenti Italiani a seguito Circolare Aut. n° 300/A/2/33366/144/4/20 del 16/04/2004.
• dotato di manuali d’uso con specifica delle caratteristiche dettagliate sulla composizione dei materiali ivi riportate e comunicate al Ministero della Salute ed al Ministero delle Attività Produttive.
It has been calibrated with a tolerance providing for a maximum margin of error of 5%.
The white reagent in the vial reacts with the ethanol contained in the breath and changes colour on the basis of the quantity detected, taking on a colour of varying intensity as indicated on the test label.
The colour references and respective alcohol levels are printed directly on the outside of the vial.
After the adoption in 1967 of Directive 67/548/EEC, the first Directive concerning the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances, Community regulations have been constantly amended with updates to take into account scientific and technical progress.
This makes it possible to ensure a high level of personal and environmental protection, as well as the correct functioning of the domestic market.
A good test must ensure the safety of persons and the environment, by not containing carcinogenic substances (chromium), as well as possessing other substantial characteristics as listed below.
We of Alcooltest Marketing will never tire of calling attention to the defence of correct information, in consideration of the fact that this sector, compared to others, is essentially new for more than 60% of those in charge of its operations. As a result, many companies aiming solely to make money create disinformation, misleading from the proper information for the choosing of a good test.
It would be sufficient to check the composition of the reagent of the test and the balloon, making sure that their characteristics truly guarantee their harmlessness for persons and the environment, and most of all seeing that the packaging is marked in compliance with the certifications held, in particular in the enclosed instructions (as the manufacturer and distributor are obliged to do by the EU).
It is useless and misleading to evaluate a test only on the basis of its certifications. It is not sufficient for a test to have a certification proving that it is able to detect the presence of alcohol, but it must have another one for the detection of the quantity of alcohol and another still for the biodegradability (risks), as well as others for each characteristic, etc., and thus IT IS MANDATORY FOR ALL CHARACTERISTICS TO BE PRINTED ON THE PACKAGING or the enclosed illustrative sheet. |